Book in the Works

I am working on a photo book.  Working title: “Tools of the Trade”. 

This book explores two related clichés about photography:

 “Cameras are just tools”, and,

 “It’s not the camera, it’s the photographer”.

 I have used many cameras over the years, and I thought it would be interesting to put together a book with an image and a brief description of some of the cameras, and then a photograph taken with that camera.  The sample would include everything from simple box cameras, 35mm, and roll film.  The list would include digital and smartphones as well.  There would be consumer cameras and pro gear.

 I’m approaching this in three steps:

 Step one was to pick images and match them to the cameras.

 Step two was to research the cameras, and write text about each camera and the accompanying photograph.

 The last step is making “portraits” (for lack of a better word) of each of the cameras.  This will involve some studio work and some field work, because I want to make each one different, not just set them up like little still lifes and be all the same.

 I’m in this last step, so I hope that the book will be taking shape, soon.